11373 Sand Sleeve Pkg 4-80grit for 130

CA $17.14
SKU: KIR-132
Category: Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System

CA $14.25 – CA $58.61
Kirjes Guinevere Sanding DRUM 140
Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System
The sander actually becomes flat when pressed against a flat surface and round when pressed against a round surface i.e. the sanders conform to the underlying surface. Consequently the sanders should be filled with very little air. The #140 Drum has a 1 5/8" Diameter and is 1 5/8" long with a 1/4" Dia Shaft.
CA $14.25 – CA $58.61
CA $14.25 – CA $58.61

CA $17.14 – CA $85.78
Kirjes Guinevere Sanding DRUM 130
Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System
The sander actually becomes flat when pressed against a flat surface and round when pressed against a round surface i.e. the sanders conform to the underlying surface. Consequently the sanders should be filled with very little air.
The #130 Drum has a 1 1/8" Diameter and is 3 1/8" long with a 5/16" Dia. Shaft.
CA $17.14 – CA $85.78
CA $17.14 – CA $85.78

CA $418.68
Inflatable Kirjes-Guinevere Sanding Kit
Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System
This is the most revolutionary sanding system to come out in years. Guinevere uses inflatable rubber sanders, each with four sanding sleeves. They can be fitted either to a flexible shaft or the quiet 1⁄2 HP motor. Watch our Video ...see below!
CA $418.68
CA $418.68

CA $9.99
CA $9.99