11331 Cleaning Stick for Sanding Sleeves

CA $8.36
SKU: KIR-11331
Category: Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System

CA $14.25
CA $14.25

CA $17.14
CA $17.14

CA $8.36
Sanding Sleeves Abrasive Cleaning Stick
Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System
Whenever sanding sleeves become clogged, use the cleaning stick to increase the life of each sleeve. Regular cleaning can extend sleeve life by between 10 to 15 times.
Turn the motor on and position the cleaning stick at the top of the sanding sleeve. Use any corner of the cleaning stick to press against the sleeve then at a medium pace and light pressure, pull the cleaning stick back down the sleeve. This motion rapidly removes wood dust.
CA $8.36
CA $8.36

CA $418.68
Inflatable Kirjes-Guinevere Sanding Kit
Kirjes-Guinevere Inflatable Sanding System
This is the most revolutionary sanding system to come out in years. Guinevere uses inflatable rubber sanders, each with four sanding sleeves. They can be fitted either to a flexible shaft or the quiet 1⁄2 HP motor. Watch our Video ...see below!
CA $418.68
CA $418.68