Carving Flat-Plane Caricatures
CA $19.19
SKU: 9781565238589
Category: How to Carve Caricatures w Patterns
CA $25.54
Carving Flat-Plane Caricatures
How to Carve Caricatures w Patterns
Includes Patterns for 50 Projects
Harley Refsal shows how to carve charming caricatures in the traditional flat-plane style. Once you try it you'll be hooked by this distinctive style of figure carving, in which large flat areas called "planes" are deliberately left intact. Step-by-step photos and detailed instructions. Carving Flat-Plane Style Caricatures presents more than 50 imaginative figure patterns for you to carve-from lumberjacks and golfers to trolls and elves. Similiar to Harley's other books ...but new patterns.
CA $19.19
Harley Refsal shows how to carve charming caricatures in the traditional flat-plane style. Once you try it you'll be hooked by this distinctive style of figure carving, in which large flat areas called "planes" are deliberately left intact. Step-by-step photos and detailed instructions. Carving Flat-Plane Style Caricatures presents more than 50 imaginative figure patterns for you to carve-from lumberjacks and golfers to trolls and elves. Similiar to Harley's other books ...but new patterns.
CA $19.19
Caricature Carvers Showcase
How to Carve Caricatures w Patterns
Spotlighting the work and members of the exclusive carving club, The Caricature Carvers of America (CCA), this photo-illustrated history is a must-have for wood carvers and collectors alike. Perusing the guide's biographies and photos of America's top caricature carvers, readers will become acquainted with 25 members, both active and emeritus, such as Marv Kaisersatt, Harold Enlow, Peter Ortel, and Pete LeClair. Each profile includes two original patterns viewed from different angles, complete with techniques and painting and finishing tips.
CA $25.54
CA $25.54
CA $19.19