Practice Building Boards
Practice Building Boards for woodcarvers. Use them for building small projects in addition to practicing different carving and woodburning techniques. Blemish free – well as much as Mother Nature allows. They are first quality boards without knots and obvious defects. They come smooth and therefore, ready-to-use. The boards have been cut from kiln dried basswood to a moisture level of 10%. We recommend keeping them packaged to avoid moisture loss.
Basswood is the wood of choice for many wood carvers. This light weight wood works very easily with both hand and power tools. It cuts cleanly, nails, screws, and glues well, though sanding leaves the surface woolly. Can be painted, stained, and finished without difficulty.
Basswood Practice or Building Boards
Practice Building BoardsOur Basswood Practice or Building Boards were originally meant for carving practice they have become popular for building small boxes.CA $25.50NOTE: There MAY BE additional shipping charges based on weight of your order. IF there is a difference in shipping charges from that shown on your order - we will email you the cost for approval BEFORE we process your order.