Jo Sonja Mediums And Gesso
Quality paint products for woodcarvers. Polyurethane varnish, paint retarder, antiquing, flow medium for air brushes and sealers. Mediums make painting easier and give you complete control of the process. From the base coat to the final varnish, we have a Medium to suit your individual painting style.
JO SONJA’S GESSO is a free flowing acrylic ground, suitable for surface preparation under acrylics and oils. GESSO is an effective sealer and prevents moisture loss of the paint through absorption. Jo Sonja’s GESSO creates surface “tooth” which is able to sanded between coats for a smooth finish. White GESSO may be applied directly from the jar, or mixed with JO SONJA’S ARTISTS’ COLOURS to create “pastel primers”. Black GESSO may be applied and, when dry, lightly sanded to create “blackboard” paint.
JO SONJA’S GESSO may be used in conjunction with all JO SONJA’S COLOURS and MEDIUMS. Also may be used as well as, or instead of, All Purpose Sealer. Used on their own, GESSOs will provide surface “tooth” whereas All Purpose Sealer provides a “slick” membrane. Consequently both effectively seal and promote proper adhesion of the paint.
JoSonja Mediums Gesso Sealer Varnish Texture
Jo Sonja Mediums And GessoQuality paint products for woodcarvers. Polyurethane varnish, paint retarder, antiquing, flow medium for air brushes and sealers. Mediums make painting easier and give you complete control of the process. From the base coat to the final varnish, we have a Medium to suit your individual painting style.CA $9.00 – CA $16.00