The shape of Chip Carving Knives are different from all other wood carving knives. Their blades protrude from the handle in a downward angle allowing more control. Chip carving knives are actually ‘plunged into the wood’ and drawn forward. While all other carving knives are used to ‘shave away wood’. Therefore, it is necessary for the blades of chip knives to made of thinner steel and sharpened to a steeper angle.
Holding the Chip Carving Knife
You might not think that how you hold your knife is a big deal. You would be wrong! A big part of the attractiveness of chip carving is the shadows that are created and the consistency of the angles of the cuts. Of course, the designs or motifs are very important, but even the greatest of designs may turn out less-than-great if carved poorly. You can accomplish the consistency of the angles in two ways: 1) by always working in the same physical position. 2) by holding the knife in exactly the same manner and position on each and every project.
New Moor Chip Carving Knives by Badger State
Chip Carving Knives, Quality Chip Carving KnivesCA $50.00 – CA $94.00
New Moor Chip Carving Knives by Badger State
Chip Carving Knives, Quality Chip Carving KnivesChipping Away is delighted with the all New Moor Chip Carving knives made by Badger States Blades. Just when we all believed you simply could not improve such a traditional knife...along comes a new shape that has chip carvers smiling from ear to ear!CA $50.00 – CA $94.00 -
Flexcut Chip Carving Set
Chip Carving Knives, Quality Chip Carving KnivesThis new Chip Carving Set includes Flexcut’s Chip Carving Knife (KN15), Mini-Chip Carving Knife (KN20) and Skew Knife (KN11). Everything you need to create the intricate geometric or freestyle patterns that are the hallmark of the craft. Also comes with a bar of Sharpening Compound.CA $93.54 -
Custom Made Chip Carving Knives
Chip Carving Knives, Quality Chip Carving Knives, KCT Carving ToolsCA $36.00
Custom Made Chip Carving Knives
Chip Carving Knives, Quality Chip Carving Knives, KCT Carving ToolsThey are made from good quality tool steel, hardened and will therefore hold an edge for hours. Available in Large or Mini Size. Excellent quality steel and sharpened to perfection.CA $36.00