Chipping Away Woodcarving Classes
One of the benefits of moving to our new building is our New Classroom! When we founded Chipping Away back in the mid 90’s we were travelling across North America teaching and exhibiting. Our first store front in Kitchener, ON afforded us the opportunity to have a classroom. We conducted weekend classes regularly and had carvers come from far and wide to learn from some of the best instructors. We lost that option in our second location and it has been sadly missed.
But we are back now! As we become more settled in our new building we will be working up a class schedule and publishing it on our Blog as well as in our Newsletter.
If you have not already subscribed to our Newsletter, we recommend you do so. Newsletter Subscribers will receive first notice of our Chipping Away Woodcarving Classes. You can sign up easily from just about every page on our website …the form is shown on the left margin near the bottom of the page.
Our classes are great for (reasonably close) local carvers but if are not close to us simply use Google! Chip Chats is a magazine printed and mailed 6 times per year. Inside every edition you will find numerous classes being offered across North America. You will also find a listing of the numerous Wood Carving Clubs and their upcoming events. It’s really a valuable magazine…see it here.
One of our favorite Carving Instructors is Mary May. Mary has a huge on-line audience and she teaches not only across North America but in Europe as well. Read all about Mary here.